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The National Museum of Ethnology "Minpaku" (06-6876-2151)

The National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) is a cultural anthropological research center and museum all in one. Its permanent exhibition consists of two categories: regional and cross-cultural. The regional exhibitions cover 9 regions of the world; and cross-cultural exhibitions consist of music and language. Visitors can enjoy viewing various world cultures. Special and temporary exhibitions with particular themes take place regularly.

Special Exhibition
"Voices from the Land, Visions of Life: Beauty Created by Indigenous Peoples of Canada"

Native Canadians, who views life as integrated with the nature have made various clothes, tools and craft products. This special exhibition will feature diversity and amusingness of culture through their art and creations.
Sep.10 (Thu.) ~ Dec.8 (Tue.)
830yen (Adults) / 450yen (Univ. & hi. sch. stus.) / 250yen (Jr. hi. & elmt. sch. stus.)

hematic Exhibition
"The Universe of Braille: Celebrating Louis Braille's Bicentennial"

Braille expresses kana, alphabets and figures by combining 6 different raised dots. This eventual form of characters to be read by touch comprises superior creativity and flexible ideas. The exhibition presents the history of Braille and questions its significance in present time, through various exhibits.
Aug.13 (Thu.) ~ Nov.24 (Tue.).
420yen (Adults) / 250yen (Univ. & hi. sch. stus.) / 110yen (Jr. hi. & elmt. sch. stus.)

"Events: Minpaku Weekend Salon: A Chat with the Researchers"

Please ask any questions of all different themes to Minpaku's researchers, who may appear somewhere in the exhibition hall every Sunday.
14:30 ~ 15:30 (tbd)
*Please visit our website for details including Schedule.
10:00 ~ 17:00 (Entry by 16:30)
Wednesdays (Closed on Thursday if Wednesday is a holiday.), Dec.28 ~ Jan.4
15-min. walk from Osaka Monorail "Banpaku Kinen Koen" Stn., 15-min.
walk from "Nihon Teien mae" of the bus routes departing from Hankyu "Ibaraki-shi" Stn., JR "Ibaraki" Stn. or Kitaosaka Express Senri Chuo Stn.