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Special Exhibition
Commemorating the 750th Anniversary of the Presentation of Rissho Ankoku-ron"Nichiren and the Treasures of the Lotus Sect: The Efflorescent Culture of Kyoto's Townspeople"

Lamenting the frequent disasters and a nation at peril, Nichiren, at the age of thirty-nine, authored Rissho Ankoku-ron (the Treatise for Spreading Peace Throughout the Country by Establishing the True Teaching) and presented it to the former regent of the Kamakura government, Hojo Tokiyori (1227-1263, r. 1246-1256). This year marks the 750th anniversary of this event. To commemorate Nichiren's treatise, the Kyoto National Museum will exhibit works from the sixteen head temples of the Nichiren sect in Kyoto.
Oct.10 (Sat.) ~ Nov.23 (Mon./Hol.)
1,300yen (Adults) / 900yen (Univ. &hi. sch. stus.) / 400yen(Jr. hi & elem. sch. Stus.)

Special Exhibition
Treasures of the Habsburg Monarchy: 140th Jubilee of the Friendship Treaty between Austria-Hungary and Japan

This major exhibition traces the splendor of the Habsburg family, which ruled Europe for over six hundred years and whose members were known for their love of the arts. Over one hundred selected works of painting, decorative art, and armor from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna and the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest will be exhibited. Noteworthy among these objects will be an Edo-period album consisting of a hundred paintings and a lacquered bookshelf with makie(sprinkled metal design) presented by the Meiji Emperor to King Francis Joseph, which will be returning to and shown in Japan for the first time.
Jan.6 (Wed.) ~ Mar. 14 (Sun.), 2010
1,500yen (Adults) / 1,000yen (Univ. &hi. sch. stus.) / 500yen(Jr. hi & elem. sch. Stus.)
9:30 ~ 18:00 ( ~ 20:00 on Fridays) (Enter by 30 min. before closing)
Mondays (Closed on Tuesday if Monday is a holiday.),
Nov.24 (Tue.), 2009 ~ Jan.5 (Tue.), 2010
Hakubutsukan Sanjusangendo Mae of the City Bus No. 100, 206 or 208 from Kyoto Stn. on the JR and Kintetsu Lines 7-min. walk east from Shichijo Stn. on the Keihan Line