Co-exhibition "Modigliani et le Primitivisme"
Modigliani (1884-1920) was the Italian Jewish artist who worked in Paris as a member of "Ecole de Paris". His lifelong attachment to primitive art established him as a unique figure in that genre of modern painting.
1,500 (Adults) /
1,200 (Univ. stus.) /
600 (Hi. sch. stus.) / Free of Charge (Stus. of Jr. hi. level and below, those aged 65 and over)
*This admission fee includes admission to "Collection 2"
Permanent Exhibition "Chiharu Shiota: Breath of the Spirit, Collection II"
Chiharu Shiota was born in Osaka in 1972 and lived in Berlin. This exhibition displays her "shoes" works, the first display in Japan, and an installation of beds and windows. In Collection 2, works by two photographers, Miyako Ishiuchi and Ryuji Miyamoto (both born in 1947) whose works have been recently introduced into the museum's collection.
420 (Adults) /
130 (Univ. stus.) / Free of Charge (Stus. of hi. level and below, those aged 65 and over)
- Jul.1 (Tue.) ~ Sep.15 (Mon./Hol.)
- 10:00~17:00 (Enter by 16:30) (~19:00 on Fridays / Enter by 18:30)
- Mondays (Closed on Tuesday if Monday is a holiday., except for Jul.21, Sep.15), Jul.22 (Tue), Period for change of exhibit: Sep.16 (Tue.) ~ 26 (Fri.)
- 10-min. walk west from Higobashi Stn.(Y12) (exit #3) on the Subway Yotsubashi Line, 10-min. walk south from Shin-Fukushima Stn.(exit #2) on the JR Tozai Line and Fukushima Stn. on the JR Loop Line or Hanshin Line