Basic Matters
- Q1-1What kind of fund is the Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund?
This Fund was established with a part of the revenue from the Japan World Exposition held in 1970 under the cooperation of domestic and international organizations and enterprises with many exhibitor countries across the world. The Fund was inaugurated by the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition 1970, which was organized after the closure of the exposition. Since its establishment in 1971, the Fund has been carrying out its grant project only by using its investment income of the Fund without any financial assistance from the government.
While the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition 1970 had been continuing the fund project even after it was reorganized as an independent administrative organization on October 1st, 2003, the organization was abolished as of the end of fiscal year 2013. Since then, the Kansai Osaka 21st Century Association has taken over the fund project.
- Q1-2Why do you offer the Grant from the Fund?
The success of EXPO ’70 was obtained via the cooperation of many domestic and international organizations including the overseas exhibitors. Therefore, the revenue from the exposition should be managed as a fund to enable optimal use of the resources and shared widely. In addition, under the theme of “Progress and Harmony for Mankind,” EXPO ’70 was filled with a wish that the ideal progress of humans has to be “harmonious progress” without any negative effects or disharmony by preventing environmental devastation and inequity in all parts of the world accompanying the development of civilization. Therefore, the Fund is intended to support a wide range of activities including domestic and international cultural exchange as well as in the fields of academia and education, and hand down the success of EXPO ’70 and its spirit to future generations.
- Q1-3What kind of areas does the JEC Fund offer the Grant for?
The Grant is offered to domestic and international activities of the following categories. However, with regard to overseas organizations, the areas that fall under category 1. “Activities contributing to promotion of international mutual understanding” are eligible for the Grant.
- 1. Activities contributing to promotion of international mutual understanding
- (1) Projects contributing to international cultural exchange and international goodwill
- (2) International projects in the fields of academic study, education, social welfare, medical care, and hygiene and public health
- (3) International projects designed for conservation of nature and the human environment
- 2. Cultural activities
- (1) Projects contributing to the handing down and promotion of Japanese traditional culture
- (2) Projects related to arts and local culture
- 1. Activities contributing to promotion of international mutual understanding
- Q1-4What specific types of projects does the JEC Fund offer the Grant for?
The major grant-eligible projects include construction of a Japanese garden, tea house, and Japanese culture center, publication of Japan-related books, and other Japan-related projects such as cultural exchange between Japan and other countries. Purchasing of equipment for nature protection activities in nature preserves is also included in these projects.
- Q1-5Can individuals or voluntary groups apply for the Grant?
Projects implemented by individuals are ineligible for the Grant. However, if a voluntary group such as an organization committee aiming at holding an international conference is organized with the purpose of implementing a public-interest project, the group can apply for the Grant.
- Q1-6How much grant money can we receive?
The maximum grant amount per project is a s follows
〇Multi year project (up to second years) : 15,000,000yen in total
(up to 10,000,000 per oneyear)
〇Single year project: 3,000,000yen
- Q1-7When can we receive the grant money?
The grant money is paid only after the implementing organization has completed the project, paid all project expenses, and submitted a “Report on Completion of Project” to the Association, which will be reviewed to determine the amount of the Grant. If the project is cancelled, the grant money will not be paid.
Related to Invitation for Applications/Application Procedure
- Q2-1When and how is the information on the invitation for applications announced?
Information on the invitation for applications for the following fiscal year is announced via our website, etc. around July every year.
- Q2-2What are the conditions of the projects eligible to apply for the Grant?
The projects should be implemented and completed within one year from April 1st of the following year. Some types of projects are not eligible for the Grant depending on the content (e.g., a project intended to establish a fund). Please refer to the “Information on Invitation for Application” page for details.
- Q2-3When are the “Guidelines for Application” and application forms available?
They can be downloaded from our website in July to September every year.
- Q2-4When do you accept applications and how can we submit our application?
Applications are accepted between August 1st and September 30th (this period may change slightly each year). Application documents should be delivered to the Kansai Osaka 21st Century Association via international mail, etc. When you submit your application documents to the Association, you need to submit separately a copy of the application form along with the “Notice to Inform Completion of Application” to the local Embassy or Consulate General of Japan in accordance with the procedure described in the “Guidelines for Application.”
Applications not submitted within the period cannot be accepted under any circumstances. The local Embassies or Consulate Generals of Japan will not accept applications.
- Q2-5What is the flow of the screening like?
To ensure appropriate screening of the projects among those applying for the Grant, the Association consults the Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund Screening Committee about the screening of the projects.
The Committee requests its expert panels to carry out individual review from a professional viewpoint.
The expert panels determine the priority of support based on the individual review conducted by each panel. The results are reported to the Committee.
After receiving the report from the expert panels, the committee submits a report to the Association about the screening results of the grant-eligible projects with comprehensive judgment.
Based on the report from the Committee, the Association makes the final decision on the screening of the grant-eligible projects, followed by the notification of results to all applicant organizations.
- Q2-6What is the screening schedule like?
The screening is conducted by the expert panels of the Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund Screening Committee from October through February of the following year. The meeting of the Committee is held at the end of February.
- Q2-7When can we receive the screening results?
All of the applicant organizations will be notified of the results of the screening in writing around March.
Related to Documents to be Submitted
* Please refer to the “Guidelines for Application” and the “Guidelines for Implementation of Project” as well.
In General
- Q3-1Do we need to show the JEC Fund logo (acknowledgement of the JEC Fund) if our project is approved for the Fund Grant?
Implementing organizations should show an acknowledgement of funding (the JEC Fund) by the Association in at least one of the following items numbered (1) to (3). It should be noted that the grant amount may be reduced or may not be paid at all if the implementing organization fails to show an acknowledgement of the JEC Fund without good reason.
- (1) PR materials (e.g., posters, programs, leaflets) and deliverables (e.g., reports, books, image files, DVDs and CD-ROMs) produced for the project
- (2) Website
- (3) Information board about the project (e.g., signboard)
- Q3-2What kind of statement should it be when we prepare the report?
The details and results of your project should be concisely described in an easy-to-understand manner without using technical terms as much as possible. You are requested to include a comparison of the initial plan and the actual performance, and reflection of the project in the future. In addition, please list specific examples of the achievements of the project.
If the report is handwritten, block letters should be used.
- Q3-3What kind of documents are needed as attachments to the report?
“Invoices” and “receipts” for grant-eligible items should be attached without fail. The name on the recipients of the invoices/receipts should be the name of the implementing organization of the project. These documents should have the issue date.
If the payment is made via bank transfer, you are requested to attach a document to verify the remittance.
If you receive a grant from any other organization(s), you should attach a notification that clearly states the grant amount.
Photocopied documents are acceptable for the attachments. However, you need to keep the original documents because we may ask you to submit the original.
- Q3-4Are receipts received from individual persons approved as grant-eligible expenses?
If the receipts have the issue date and the recipient name is the name of the implementing organization of the project, they are approved as grant-eligible expenses.
- Q3-5Are invoices/receipts issued with a name other than the implementing organization of the project due to some organizational reason approved as grant-eligible expenses?
Any invoices/receipts issued with a name other than the implementing organization of the project are ineligible for the Grant.
Travel/Transportation Expenses
- Q3-6Can anyone use the travel/transportation expenses covered by the Grant?
These expenses can be covered by the Grant only for individuals essential to implementing the project. The accompanying person or staff member of the secretariat are ineligible. Please clearly specify the name of the eligible person by attaching an attendee list, etc.
- Q3-7Are air tickets arranged by individual persons approved as grant-eligible expenses?
Any air tickets invoiced to a name other than the implementing organization of the project are ineligible for the Grant. In such a case, some action should be taken, for instance, the individual person who arranged the ticket charges the fee to the implementing organization and the organization receives a receipt from the person.
Accommodation Expenses
- Q3-8Can anyone use the accommodation expenses covered by the Grant?
The accommodation expenses can be covered by the Grant only for individuals essential to implementing the project. The accompanying person or staff member of the secretariat are ineligible. Please clearly specify the name of the eligible person by attaching an attendee list, etc.
- Q3-9How long is the period for which accommodation expenses are approved as grant-eligible expenses?
The accommodation expenses from the day of the reported “project period” can be covered by the Grant.
- Q3-10Are the accommodation expenses including meal charges approved as grant-eligible expenses?
They are approved as grant-eligible expenses if meal charges are included in the accommodation expenses, e.g., “Room rate for 1 night with breakfast.” However, if the expense breakdown is stated separately, e.g., “Room rate for 1 night _______JPY_, Meal charge _______JPY_,” the meal charges cannot be covered by the Grant.
Venue Rental Expenses
- Q3-11Are the venue rental expenses for welcome parties approved as grant-eligible expenses?
Venue rental expenses for eating and drinking cannot be approved as grant-eligible expenses.
- Q3-12Is the reward for the work conducted by the secretariat (interpretation, stage management, etc.) approved as grant-eligible expenses?
The work conducted by the secretariat cannot be approved as grant-eligible expenses. Not only interpretation and stage management but also travel and accommodation expenses are ineligible for the Grant.
Printing and Binding Expenses
- Q3-13What are the documents necessary to report the printing and binding expenses (covered by the Grant)?
An acknowledgement of the JEC Fund should be shown on the printed materials. In addition to “invoices” and “receipts,” you are required to submit copies of the printed materials produced for the project. If submission of the printed materials is difficult due to some reason (e.g., too big, etc.), it is acceptable to submit photographs of the printed materials that allow us to identify the acknowledgement
- Q3-14Are the expenses used for creating a website approved as grant-eligible printing and binding expenses?
They are approved as grant-eligible printing and binding expenses as long as the website has an indication that it is supported by the JEC Fund Grant. In addition to “invoices” and “receipts,” you are required to submit a printout of the website.
- Q3-15Are the conference minutes recorded on a USB memory device and distributed approved as grant-eligible printing and binding expenses?
Because the grant-eligible printing and binding expenses basically cover the printed materials in a materialized form, the data recorded on a USB memory device are ineligible for the Grant.
Grants from Other Organizations
- Q3-16Is it possible to receive a grant from organization(s) other than the JEC Fund?
There is no problem with receiving grant money from organization(s) other than the JEC Fund.
- Q3-17Are sponsorship money and advertisement income regarded as grant money from other organization(s)?
They are not regarded as grant money. It is acceptable to include the money/income into the income category the same as “Participation fees” and “Own funds.” Therefore, it is allowed to allocate the money/income to grant-eligible expense items of the JEC Fund.